LED Grow Lights With Best Spectrum & Solution For High Yield of Crops!

21 Sep
  • Blog,
  • By:Shenzhen Aolike led grow light and top grow light

What is full spectrum

Full spectrum refers to the spectral curve of ultraviolet, visible, and infrared light in the spectrum, and the ratio of red, green, and blue in the visible light part is similar to that of sunlight, with a color rendering index close to 100. The color temperature of sunlight changes with the seasons and time, so the spectrum of a full spectrum lamp should change the color temperature gradually over time to simulate the natural light environment in order to better conform to the natural growth laws of organisms.


The full spectrum research and development of LED light sources has been ongoing internationally for many years, but the current technology is limited to developing continuous spectra in various bands of visible light to improve color rendering index. However, it is difficult to achieve continuous spectra in the ultraviolet and infrared parts. The spectrum of each ultraviolet and infrared LED bead is very narrow, limited to a specific band, and combined into a continuous spectrum has great difficulty and high cost.

The application of Full Spectrum, except for sunlight, can only be achieved through artificial light sources at present.

The currently developed full spectrum lamps not only include safe ultraviolet and infrared light, but also have spectral curves in the visible light that are closer to the solar spectrum. At the same time, a full spectrum lighting system has been developed that can simulate the color temperature changes of sunlight throughout the year and at different time periods in the morning and evening, which is more in line with the growth laws of organisms and can be widely used in plant greenhouses, mammal breeding, and for people who have not seen sunlight for a long time.

Plants require not only blue light with a wavelength of around 460 and red light with a wavelength of around 660, but also ultraviolet light, especially for berry plants, which can effectively promote sugar synthesis.

In indoor animal farming, especially in mammalian farming, it is even more necessary for ultraviolet rays to promote the synthesis of calcium. Under the conditions of full spectrum light sources, mammals have better mental states, shiny fur, and increased vitality. At the same time, the red light band of full spectrum light sources can promote the speed of subcutaneous blood circulation in animals and improve immunity.

People who have been in an environment without natural light for a long time often have poor complexion, mental state, lack of motivation to do things, and physical weakness. This is precisely the reason for the lack of natural light and sunlight to supplement light energy. Therefore, it is necessary to provide full spectrum light sources for people with insufficient natural light.


Shenzhen Yenhua Optoelectronics Co.,Ltd. Main production led grow light, grow light, led horticulture lights, top grow lights, hydro lights.

Company websitehttp://www.igrowled-yenhua.com

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LED Grow Lights With Best Spectrum & Solution For High Yield of Crops!